Lower your Bentley Eight Rates in Less than Five Minutes
If finding affordable car insurance was easy, most of us would take the time to do it. But more than likely, it's challenging for most people and we always end up paying more than we want. Finding affordable coverage for your Bentley Eight probably is no different.
Step One: Shop Around
If you haven't priced insurance for awhile, you may still think that the only way to compare rates is to drive around town to multiple insurance offices and meet with an agent. Welcome to the 21st century!
You can compare insurance rates for a Bentley Eight simply and quickly just by filling out one form. This allows you to quote the same coverages with multiple companies and pick the lowest rate.
To find affordable coverage for your Bentley Eight, the first step is to click the link below and complete the short form.
Same Limits on Quotes! This tip is very important. The only way to accurately compare rates on your Eight is to use the same limits of liability as well as deductibles on physical damage coverage. You won't be able to compare rates if you use different values on your quotes.
Step Two: How to Cut Costs on Eight Insurance
After step one is complete, it's now time to analyze some of the other factors that can negatively impact car insurance rates for a Eight.
- Some people just like the looks of a higher performance vehicle like the Bentley Eight, but even if you don't use the extra power it's going to cost you more when your insurance bill arrives.
- With age comes cheaper rates! If you're a senior citizen, many car insurance companies will give you a discount. Also, if you belong to a professional organization, check to see if your company gives discounts to members.
- OEM repair parts for the Eight cost more due to the higher quality. You will pay more for insurance because of this.
- One of the best ways to lower your insurance rates is to raise your credit score. Check your rating once a year and make sure to address any problem areas immediately.
- If your teen driver has completed a driver's education class in school, check to see if your insurance company offers any discounts for this.
- Newer car models are coming standard with advanced passenger safety systems, and these help reduce the risk of injury in an accident. Less injuries mean lower insurance rates.
- Comprehensive and collision coverages make up the majority of your car insurance bill. If you raise your deductibles, you can will see significant savings with every policy renewal.
- For some reason, car theives target particular makes and models more than others. If your Eight is on the list of the top stolen cars, you might want to install an extra theft deterrent system just to be safe.
- If you can afford to pay for small claims like a broken windshield out of pocket, it will keep small claims off your record and give you a claim-free discount.
- Being a homeowner can often get you a little discount on your auto insurance. Insuring you home with the same company as your autos can often get you even deeper discounts.
- One of the easiest ways to keep your rates down is to drive safe. One speeding ticket can boost your rates for three years.
- Teen drivers are expensive to insure and the only way to lower your rates is to rate them on an older vehicle with basic liability coverage.
- Letting your car insurance expire without having new coverage in place is called a "lapse" and will cause your next policy premiums to be higher.

Step Three: Buy the Policy That's Right for You
You've compared rates and hopefully looked over the coverages for each vehicle on your policy to make sure they're adequate. Now you can make the big decision on which company will best fulfill your needs.
If you're cancelling an old policy, make sure the new coverage starts the same day your old policy ends. This avoids any penalty for having a lapse in coverage which can cost you more.
If you don't currently have a car insurance policy, make sure you have coverage in force before driving your Bentley off the lot. But if you already have a policy, you will have coverage extended to your new car from your existing policy. Most car insurance companies will extend coverage to newly purchased vehicles, but only up to the limits of the best insured vehicle. So if you only carry liability insurance and no physical damage coverage, your new purchase will be inadequately insured until you specifically add it to the policy with full coverage.
At the end of buying your policy, you will be able to print out a new proof-of-insurance card to place in your vehicle. This card is required by law and must be produced if requested by law enforcement. If you qualilfy as a high-risk driver after being convicted of a DUI, reckless driving or driving on a suspended license, you may be required to file an SR-22 with your state's DMV. Be sure your new car insurance company is aware of this filing requirement.
Additional Learning Resources
The Insurance Information Institute is the industry authority for consumer car insurance information.