Easy Guide to Cheaper Honda Fit Insurance Rates
If buying auto insurance was as easy as it sounds on TV commercials, we'd have no problem getting the lowest rates. But more than likely, it's challenging for most people and we always end up paying more than we want. You probably feel the same way when trying to find cheaper coverage for your Honda Fit.
Step One: Compare Multiple Rate Quotes
If it's been a few years since you shopped for car insurance, you might still think the only way to buy is from a local agent. Welcome to the NEW way to buy car insurance!
Getting online rate quotes for a Honda Fit from all the major insurance companies is very easy and only requires you to enter your information once.
Simply click the link below to start a quote that will compare rates from many companies and you may find a lower rate than you're currently paying.
Insurance Quoting Tip! The only way to accurately compare rates bewteen different companies for your Fit is to use identical coverage limits on all the quotes. If you use different liability limits and/or deductibles, you won't have an apples-to-apples rate comparison.
Step Two: How to Cut Costs on Fit Insurance
If you have completed step one above (if not, please complete that step first), then you are now ready to learn some ways to insure your Fit that will also lower the rate you pay irregardless of which company you choose.
- How's your credit score? If it's good you will pay a lower rate than your poor credit counterparts. Work on improving weak credit and you will eventually see your car insurance bill go down.
- If your teen driver has completed a driver's education class in school, check to see if your insurance company offers any discounts for this.
- SUV's tend to have slightly higher insurance rates due to the fact that you can take them offroad and they have a more complex drive train system.
- It's very important that you allows keep coverage effective on your vehicles. Having even a one-day lapse in coverage can make your premiums jump higher.
- Owning a home takes financial responsibility, and car insurance companies will often give you a break just for being a homeowner.
- With age comes cheaper rates! If you're a senior citizen, many car insurance companies will give you a discount. Also, if you belong to a professional organization, check to see if your company gives discounts to members.
- Higher deductibles save money. If you can afford to pay a larger portion of a comprehensive or collision claim, you will pay substantially less for those coverages if you increase your deductibles to $500 or even $1,000.
- Every parent dreads the day when their teenager gets added to their policy. If you are a teenager, or if you have one on your policy, expect to pay significantly more each year.
- Speeding tickets and other violations can negatively impact your insurance rates for up to three years. Get too many tickets and you'll be shopping for a new car insurance company.
- Safety features such as antilock brakes, traction control and air bag systems all help reduce the cost of car insurance by keeping the passengers safer.
- If you have tended to file small claims with your car insurance company in the past, you're most likely going to pay higher premiums in the future. Consider paying minor claims out-of-pocket instead of blemishing your claim history.
- If you car makes the top ten list of most stolen cars, you might be paying a little extra to insure it.

Step Three: Purchase a New Policy
You've compared rates and hopefully looked over the coverages for each vehicle on your policy to make sure they're adequate. Now you can make the big decision on which company will best fulfill your needs.
You can cancel a policy at any time, but just remember to make the effective date of the replacement policy the exact same as the date you cancel your old policy. You do not want any gaps in coverage between policies.
If the Honda Fit is a new purchase and you haven't had car insurance before, make sure you have coverage in place before driving off the lot. If you have other vehicles already covered, then you will have coverage for the new vehicle. If your current policy has any vehicle with full coverage (comprehensive and collision), then your new Fit will have that coverage extended to it. If you only have liability coverage on your policy, then you have no physical damage coverage on your new purchase.
The proof-of-insurance card that is required by state law to be carried in your vehicle can be printed out upon completion of your car insurance policy. If an SR-22 is required due to a reckless driving conviction, DUI or conviction of driving without insurance, make sure your new company is aware of that. Not filing a court-ordered SR-22 can result in suspension of your driver's license.
Additional Insurance Information
For more detailed car insurance topics, visit the Insurance Information Institute.