How to Lower Your Lamborghini Gallardo Insurance Rates In Five Minutes or Less
If we enjoyed shopping for car insurance, we'd do it more often. But in reality, the cost for insurance always seems too high and most people would prefer to get a root canal. You probably feel the same way about finding lower cost coverage for your Lamborghini Gallardo.
Step One: Get Insurance Quotes
Up until about ten years ago, the only way to shop for car insurance was in the office of a local insurance agent where you'd get a hard sell into a policy. But you can now comparison shop and buy direct online!
Comparing apples-to-apples price quotes for your Lamborghini Gallardo is made easy by only requiring one form to be completed. This will shop your coverage with multiple companies and allow you to easily compare rates.
Simply click the link below to enter your information. Once complete, you can compare the returned rates and make a decision on which policy to purchase.
Important Tip! In order to accurately compare rates for your Gallardo, it's critical that you use the same limits and deductibles for liability and physical damage coverages like comprehensive and collision. If you use different limits, you will not be able to accurately compare rates between carriers.
Step Two: Top Ways to Get Lower Gallardo Insurance
After completing step one and having some rates to compare, you can now focus on policy and lifestyle modifications that will lower your Gallardo insurance rates.
- When insuring your Lamborghini Gallardo, expect to pay a little more due to the higher performance of the vehicle. On your next purchase consider a lower performance vehicle to save on insurance.
- If you're not sure what your credit rating is, check it now. Car insurance companies use your credit score to determine the rates you pay, so the better your credit, the less you will pay.
- Repairing accident damage generally costs more for the Gallardo because the replacement parts cost more. You can expect your car insurance bill to reflect these higher costs for repair.
- Driver's safety courses will often get you a discount off your rates. Check to see if your company offers the discount and find a qualifying class in your area.
- Let's face it, you aren't driving a Gallardo because of the fuel economy. You like the looks and performance and you'll pay a little more for insurance because you're driving a sports car.
- Allowing your insurance to lapse for any length of time will increase the cost of a new policy. Always keep coverage in force.
- Being a homeowner can often get you a little discount on your auto insurance. Insuring you home with the same company as your autos can often get you even deeper discounts.
- If you belong to a professional organization, check to see if that can earn you a discount. If you're over the age of 55, check to see if they have a senior citizen discount as well.
- One of the easiest ways to cut your rates is to increase your comprehensive and collision deductibles. By having a higher deductible like $500 or even $1,000, you can save 30% or more on physical damage coverage.
- Teen drivers are expensive to insure and the only way to lower your rates is to rate them on an older vehicle with basic liability coverage.
- Speeding not only costs you a fine, a single ticket will raise your car insurance rates for up to three years. Slow down and be a safe driver and you'll pay lower rates.
- The less chance of injury to passengers in an accident means lower insurance rates. Vehicles with safety features like side-impact airbags, head injury protection, antilock bracks and traction control generally will be cheaper to insure.
- Filing small claims will get you into hot water with your insurance company. Frequent filers will often find themselves either paying higher rates or non-renewed at renewal time.
- If your Gallardo ranks on the list of vehicles that are frequently stolen, that can result in a higher rating class and a more expensive rate.

Step Three: Select the Best Company for Your Needs
Buying a new car insurance policy is just a matter of finalizing your application form and submitting it with your down payment. Once payment has been accepted, coverage is bound the effective date shown on your application.
It's easiest to cancel an old policy at the renewal date, but you can cancel it anytime. Just make sure you have the new policy effective the date you cancel your old policy in order to avoid any lapse in coverage.
Before you drive your Lamborghini Gallardo home, make sure you have a current car insurance policy in force. Coverage will extend to the new purchase from your policy, but if you don't have a policy then you have no protection. When driving off the lot, you may have coverage that extends from your current policy. But it will only be equal to the most coverage you have on any vehicle. So if you only carry liability coverage, you won't be covered for full coverage until you specify it on your policy.
Once you finish buying your new policy, you will need to print out the proof-of-insurance card that is provided by your new company. This card is proof that you meet the state's minimum liability limits and is required to be kept in your vehicle. High risk drivers may be required to submit an SR-22 with their state DMV's. If you have been convicted of reckless driving, DUI or had an uninsured accident, you may qualify. Make sure your new policy reflects the need for the SR-22 filing.
More Resources for Insurance Buying
The Insurance Information Institute has a great resource of car insurance articles where you can learn more about coverages and money saving tips. Visit iii.org.