Tightwads Guide to Insuring a Mitsubishi Outlander Sport
If buying auto insurance was as easy as it sounds on TV commercials, we'd have no problem getting the lowest rates. But most likely we pay more than we want to and don't really enjoy the buying process. You probably feel the same way when trying to find cheaper coverage for your Mitsubishi Outlander Sport.
Step One: Compare Multiple Rate Quotes
If it's been a few years since you shopped for car insurance, you might still think the only way to buy is from a local agent. But now you can eliminate that hassle and buy online!
You can now shop all the best car insurance companies and compare rates for a Mitsubishi Outlander Sport and you don't even have to visit each individual website!
To compare rates now, have your current policy handy (if you have one) and click the link below. Complete the short form and move on to step two.
Quoting Tip! The only way to compare rates from multiple companies is to use identical coverage amounts and deductibles on each quote. If you use different limits on quotes, you cannot accurately determine which company has the best rates for your Outlander Sport.
Step Two: How to Lower your Outlander Sport Insurance Premium
If you have completed step one above (if not, please complete that step first), then you are now ready to learn some ways to insure your Outlander Sport that will also lower the rate you pay irregardless of which company you choose.
- If you car makes the top ten list of most stolen cars, you might be paying a little extra to insure it.
- Membership has it's privleges. If you're a member of a professional organization, check to see if your company offers discounts to its members. It can add up to 5% or more.
- SUV's are more complex in design than your average passenger sedan, so expect to pay a little more for insurance.
- Newer car models are coming standard with advanced passenger safety systems, and these help reduce the risk of injury in an accident. Less injuries mean lower insurance rates.
- If your teen driver has completed a driver's education class in school, check to see if your insurance company offers any discounts for this.
- If you can afford to pay for small claims like a broken windshield out of pocket, it will keep small claims off your record and give you a claim-free discount.
- Gaps in insurance coverage will cause problems for your insurance rates. Don't let your policy expire without having new coverage in place.
- Car insurance rates for a teen driver on a Mitsubishi Outlander Sport will be expensive no matter what kind of coverage you have. But if you don't need comprehensive and collision, consider dropping those to save money.
- Most insurance companies will give you a discount on your car insurance if you also own a home. Some go even farther and give you discounts if you package your homeowners and auto insurance with them.
- A lead foot will result in higher insurance rates. Slow down, don't get tickets and you'll pay less.
- Check your credit rating each year and address any problem areas. Higher credit scores mean lower car insurance rates.
- One of the easiest ways to cut your rates is to increase your comprehensive and collision deductibles. By having a higher deductible like $500 or even $1,000, you can save 30% or more on physical damage coverage.

Step Three: Purchase a New Policy
Choosing a new car insurance company is not easy. But hopefully you have a handful of quotes for your Outlander Sport that will give you a good idea of how much it will cost, as well as some idea of any coverage changes you may want to make.
You can cancel a policy at any time, but just remember to make the effective date of the replacement policy the exact same as the date you cancel your old policy. You do not want any gaps in coverage between policies.
Any time you buy a new vehicle, make sure you have car insurance in place, either from an existing policy or a new policy that you purchase from the dealership floor. If your current policy has any vehicle with full coverage (comprehensive and collision), then your new Outlander Sport will have that coverage extended to it. If you only have liability coverage on your policy, then you have no physical damage coverage on your new purchase.
Once you have purchased your policy, print out the insurance card that must go in your vehicle. This card fulfills the state law requiring you to prove financial responsibility. If an SR-22 is required due to a reckless driving conviction, DUI or conviction of driving without insurance, make sure your new company is aware of that. Not filing a court-ordered SR-22 can result in suspension of your driver's license.
Additional Insurance Information
To read more about topics such as how to file a claim, replacement auto parts and mistakes to avoid, visit the Insurance Information Institute website.