Cheaper Saturn Sky Insurance in Five Minutes or Less
If buying auto insurance was as easy as it sounds on TV commercials, we'd have no problem getting the lowest rates. But unfortunately, it's difficult for a lot of people and we always seem to pay more than we should. You probably feel the same way when trying to find cheaper coverage for your Saturn Sky.
Step One: Compare Multiple Rate Quotes
The antiquated method of shopping for car insurance included a high pressure visit to the office of your local insurance agent. Not anymore!
You can now shop all the best car insurance companies and compare rates for a Saturn Sky and you don't even have to visit each individual website!
To start, click the link below to begin entering your information. After you complete the form, you will receive comparison rates from different companies so you easily determine if you can save money.
Quote Tip! When doing car insurance quotes for your Sky, make sure you use the exact same values for coverages and deductibles. If you use different limits, you will not be able to fairly compare rates between different companies.
Step Two: How to Save on Sky Insurance
If you have completed step one above (if not, please complete that step first), then you are now ready to learn some ways to insure your Sky that will also lower the rate you pay irregardless of which company you choose.

- Consider using higher deductibles for physical damage coverages like comprehensive and collision. Higher deductibles save money since you're willing to pay more out-of-pocket at claim time.
- If you have a high credit score, you will be rewarded with lower insurance rates. Conversely, if your credit rating is on the low site, your rates will be higher.
- Sporty cars are fun to drive, and that's why you'll pay more for insurance. The tendancy to put the pedal down a little harder means a higher insurance rate for the Sky.
- If your insurance company allows driver-specific car rating, you can save money by rating any teenage drivers on low profile vehicles with either no physical damage coverage or very high deductibles.
- Many insurance companies will give you a small discount if you've recently completed a driver's training course.
- Speeding tickets and other violations can negatively impact your insurance rates for up to three years. Get too many tickets and you'll be shopping for a new car insurance company.
- Gaps in insurance coverage will cause problems for your insurance rates. Don't let your policy expire without having new coverage in place.
- If your Saturn is equipped with safety features such as airbags, anti-lock brakes or a security system, insurance companies will often give a minor discount for those.
- Renters will find they may be paying more for insurance as compared to homeowners. Owning a home can often get you a small discount on your car insurance.
- Filing small claims will get you into hot water with your insurance company. Frequent filers will often find themselves either paying higher rates or non-renewed at renewal time.
- With age comes cheaper rates! If you're a senior citizen, many car insurance companies will give you a discount. Also, if you belong to a professional organization, check to see if your company gives discounts to members.
- Thieves tend to steal certain makes and models of vehicles more than others, and if your car is on that list, expect to pay higher insurance rates because of it.
Step Three: Purchase a New Policy
If you have found a good price by comparing quotes and also made informed decisions regarding policy limits, deductibles and other policy options that are available, you can now purchase the policy and bind coverage.
You can cancel a policy at any time, but just remember to make the effective date of the replacement policy the exact same as the date you cancel your old policy. You do not want any gaps in coverage between policies.
If you are adding a vehicle to an existing policy and not buying a new one, just make sure to get the vehicle added as soon as possible. Every insurance company offers a grace period to add new vehicles, so make sure you get the Saturn added prior to the expiration of this grace period. Be sure to have a new policy ready to go if you are buying a new Sky. If you've never had car insurance or don't have a policy now, you won't have any protection on the vehicle until you add it to your policy.
Once you have purchased your policy, print out the insurance card that must go in your vehicle. This card fulfills the state law requiring you to prove financial responsibility. An SR-22 filing may be required by your state's DMV if you've been convicted of a serious driving offense such as DUI, DWI or reckless driving. If this applies to you, make sure the car insurance company complies with the SR-22 requirement.
Car Insurance Resources
To find out more information such as auto insurance myths, rental car insurance and how to file a claim, visit the Insurance Information Institute website.