5 Ways to Pay Less on Honda Fit Insurance

No one likes having to buy car insurance, especially knowing the price is too high. Having so many choices, it can be challenging to locate the lowest price company.

You should take the time to do rate comparisons at least once a year because prices fluctuate regularly. Even if you got the best deal on Fit insurance six months ago there may be better deals available now. Forget all the misinformation about car insurance because we’re going to demonstrate one of the quickest ways to find great coverage at a great price.

Buying car insurance is quite easy. If you currently have car insurance, you stand a good chance to be able to lower your premiums substantially using these methods. Vehicle owners just need to learn the proper way to get comparison rates over the internet.

How to Compare Car Insurance

Getting a cheaper price on insurance is actually quite simple. All that’s required is to take the time comparing price quotes online with multiple companies. It is quite easy and can be accomplished using a couple different methods.

  1. One of the best ways to find low rates is a comparison rater form click here to open form in new window. This form prevents you from having to do repetitive form submissions for each company. One quote request will get you price quotes from car insurance companies with the best prices.
  2. Another way to get quotes online consists of visiting the website for each individual company and request a quote. For example, let’s say you want to compare rates from GEICO, Progressive and Allstate. To find out each rate you need to take the time to go to each site and enter your information, which is why the first method is quicker.

    For a handy list of car insurance company links in your area, click here.

  3. The least efficient way to get comparison rates is to waste gas driving to local insurance agencies. Buying insurance online has reduced the need for local agents unless you require the trained guidance that only a license agent can provide. Drivers can price shop your coverage online but buy from a local insurance agent. We’ll cover that shortly.

Whichever way you use, make darn sure you compare the exact same deductibles and coverage limits for every company. If your comparisons have unequal deductibles or liability limits you can’t possibly determine the lowest rate for your Honda Fit.

Do you qualify for these 5 discounts?

Companies that sell car insurance don’t always publicize every available discount in a way that’s easy to find, so we researched some of the more common as well as the least known savings tricks you should be using. If you aren’t receiving every discount available, you’re just leaving money on the table.

  • Federal Employees – Employees or retirees of the government can save as much as 8% on Fit insurance with select insurance companies.
  • Safety Course Discount – Completing a course in driver safety could cut 5% off your bill and easily recoup the cost of the course.
  • Auto/Home Discount – When you have multiple policies with the same company you may save at least 10% off all policies.
  • More Vehicles More Savings – Insuring multiple cars or trucks on one policy could earn a price break for each car.
  • Distant Student – Any of your kids who attend school more than 100 miles from home without a vehicle on campus can receive lower rates.

A little note about advertised discounts, most discounts do not apply to your bottom line cost. Some only apply to the cost of specific coverages such as collision or personal injury protection. So even though they make it sound like adding up those discounts means a free policy, car insurance companies aren’t that generous.Auto insurance in

Car insurance coverage information

Knowing the specifics of your car insurance policy aids in choosing which coverages you need and the correct deductibles and limits. The coverage terms in a policy can be confusing and even agents have difficulty translating policy wording. Shown next are typical coverages found on most car insurance policies.

Coverage for medical expenses

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and medical payments coverage reimburse you for immediate expenses such as EMT expenses, pain medications and nursing services. The coverages can be used in conjunction with a health insurance policy or if you lack health insurance entirely. It covers both the driver and occupants in addition to being hit by a car walking across the street. Personal injury protection coverage is not universally available but can be used in place of medical payments coverage

Coverage for uninsured or underinsured drivers

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist coverage protects you and your vehicle from other drivers when they either have no liability insurance or not enough. This coverage pays for injuries to you and your family and also any damage incurred to your Honda Fit.

Because many people have only the minimum liability required by law, their liability coverage can quickly be exhausted. That’s why carrying high Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage should not be overlooked.

Auto collision coverage

This coverage pays for damage to your Fit resulting from colliding with another car or object. You have to pay a deductible and the rest of the damage will be paid by collision coverage.

Collision can pay for things such as backing into a parked car, crashing into a ditch and damaging your car on a curb. This coverage can be expensive, so consider removing coverage from vehicles that are 8 years or older. It’s also possible to raise the deductible to save money on collision insurance.

Liability auto insurance

Liability coverage provides protection from damages or injuries you inflict on people or other property in an accident. This coverage protects you against claims from other people, and doesn’t cover your own vehicle damage or injuries.

It consists of three limits, bodily injury for each person injured, bodily injury for the entire accident and a property damage limit. You might see policy limits of 50/100/50 which means $50,000 in coverage for each person’s injuries, a limit of $100,000 in injury protection per accident, and a limit of $50,000 paid for damaged property.

Liability coverage protects against things such as legal defense fees, court costs, pain and suffering and structural damage. How much liability should you purchase? That is a personal decision, but buy as high a limit as you can afford.

Comprehensive car insurance

Comprehensive insurance coverage covers damage that is not covered by collision coverage. A deductible will apply then the remaining damage will be covered by your comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive can pay for things like hail damage, damage from flooding, theft, hitting a bird and a tree branch falling on your vehicle. The maximum payout a car insurance company will pay at claim time is the cash value of the vehicle, so if it’s not worth much more than your deductible it’s probably time to drop comprehensive insurance.