7 Discounts Shoppers Forget when Insurance Shopping Online for a Subaru Chaser

Searching for the cheapest insurance for a Subaru Chaser can turn out to be a painful process, but you can follow a few tricks to find lower rates.

There is a right way and a wrong way to shop for auto insurance so we’re going to tell you the quickest way to price shop coverage for a new or used Subaru and obtain the best price possible.

It’s important to price shop coverage at least once a year due to the fact that insurance rates change quite often. Even if you think you had the best deal for Chaser coverage a few years ago you will most likely find a better rate today. You can find a lot of misleading information regarding auto insurance online but I’m going to show you the easiest ways to save money.

Verify you’re getting all your discounts

Insurance can be prohibitively expensive, but companies offer discounts that you may not even be aware of. A few discounts will automatically apply at the time of purchase, but a few must be specifically requested before you will receive the discount.

  • Multiple Vehicles – Having multiple vehicles on one policy qualifies for this discount.
  • Multi-policy Discount – If you have multiple policies with one company you may earn at least 10% off all policies.
  • Paperwork-free – A handful of insurance companies will give a small break for buying your policy online.
  • Organization Discounts – Being a member of certain professional organizations may earn a discount on auto insurance for Chaser coverage.
  • Homeowners Pay Less – Owning a home can save you money because of the fact that having a home demonstrates responsibility.
  • Anti-theft Discount – Vehicles with anti-theft systems help deter theft and therefore earn up to a 10% discount.
  • Defensive Driving Course – Completing a course in driver safety could possibly earn you a 5% discount if your company offers it.

A little note about advertised discounts, most discount credits are not given to the entire cost. Some only apply to specific coverage prices like liability and collision coverage. Just because you may think having all the discounts means you get insurance for free, it just doesn’t work that way. Any qualifying discounts will help reduce the amount you have to pay.

For a list of providers who offer auto insurance discounts, follow this link.

Auto Insurance Prices

All major auto insurance companies allow you to get pricing directly from their websites. Obtaining pricing doesn’t take much effort as you just type in the amount of coverage you want as detailed in the form. Upon sending the form, their rating system gets information on your driving record and credit history and generates pricing information based on these and other factors.

Quoting online helps simplify price comparisons, but the time required to go to a lot of sites and enter the same data into a form can be a bit repetitive. Unfortunately, it is important to do this if you want to find the lowest auto insurance rates.

Compare rates the easy way

A less time-consuming method to get multiple rate quotes requires only one form to obtain quotes from a lot of companies. It saves time, reduces the work, and makes price shopping online much easier to do. As soon as you send your information, your coverage is rated and you can choose any one of the resulting price quotes.

If the quotes result in lower rates, it’s easy to complete the application and buy the policy. This process just takes a couple of minutes and can result in significant savings.

To quickly use this form to compare rates, simply click here to open in new window and enter your vehicle and coverage information. If you currently have coverage, we recommend you copy your coverages identical to your current policy. This way, you’re receiving an apples-to-apples comparison using the exact same coverages.

When should I talk to an agent?

When buying coverage for your vehicles, there really is no single plan that fits everyone. Everyone’s needs are different.

These are some specific questions can aid in determining whether you might need an agent’s assistance.

  • Do I have coverage if my license is suspended?
  • Am I covered when pulling a rental trailer?
  • What if I total my Subaru Chaser and owe more than it’s worth?
  • Exactly who is provided coverage by my policy?
  • Does my Subaru Chaser qualify for pleasure use?
  • Should I buy more coverage than the required minimum liability coverage?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions but one or more may apply to you then you might want to talk to an agent. If you want to speak to an agent in your area, take a second and complete this form. insurance prices

Can you really save $445 a year?

Companies like Progressive, Allstate and GEICO regularly use television and radio advertisements. All the ads make the same claim about savings if you move your coverage to them. But how can every company say the same thing? It’s all in the numbers.

Insurance companies are able to cherry pick for the driver that makes them money. For instance, a desirable insured might be between the ages of 30 and 50, owns a home, and has great credit. A propective insured who meets those qualifications will get very good rates and is almost guaranteed to save quite a bit of money when switching.

Potential customers who fall outside this ideal profile will have to pay more money which usually ends up with business not being written. Company advertisements say “customers who switch” not “everyone that quotes” save money. This is how insurance companies can claim big savings.

Because of the profiling, drivers must compare as many rates as you can. It is impossible to predict which company will have the lowest rates.

Detailed coverages of your auto insurance policy

Knowing the specifics of your policy can be of help when determining the right coverages at the best deductibles and correct limits. The coverage terms in a policy can be confusing and reading a policy is terribly boring.

Medical expense insurance

Medical payments and Personal Injury Protection insurance kick in for immediate expenses such as X-ray expenses, prosthetic devices, funeral costs, doctor visits and ambulance fees. The coverages can be used in conjunction with a health insurance program or if there is no health insurance coverage. It covers all vehicle occupants in addition to any family member struck as a pedestrian. PIP coverage is not universally available but can be used in place of medical payments coverage

Protection from uninsured/underinsured drivers

This coverage protects you and your vehicle from other motorists when they are uninsured or don’t have enough coverage. This coverage pays for injuries to you and your family and damage to your Subaru Chaser.

Because many people have only the minimum liability required by law, their liability coverage can quickly be exhausted. That’s why carrying high Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage is important protection for you and your family. Normally your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverages are similar to your liability insurance amounts.

Comprehensive (Other than Collision)

This covers damage from a wide range of events other than collision. A deductible will apply and then insurance will cover the rest of the damage.

Comprehensive coverage protects against things such as hitting a deer, damage from a tornado or hurricane, falling objects and damage from flooding. The maximum amount you can receive from a comprehensive claim is the cash value of the vehicle, so if your deductible is as high as the vehicle’s value consider dropping full coverage.

Collision insurance

This coverage covers damage to your Chaser from colliding with an object or car. You will need to pay your deductible and then insurance will cover the remainder.

quote Chaser insurance

Collision can pay for claims like colliding with a tree, scraping a guard rail, driving through your garage door, sustaining damage from a pot hole and crashing into a ditch. Paying for collision coverage can be pricey, so analyze the benefit of dropping coverage from lower value vehicles. It’s also possible to bump up the deductible in order to get cheaper collision rates.

Auto liability

This coverage can cover damage that occurs to people or other property in an accident. It consists of three limits, bodily injury per person, bodily injury per accident and property damage. As an example, you may have values of 50/100/50 which means $50,000 in coverage for each person’s injuries, a per accident bodily injury limit of $100,000, and $50,000 of coverage for damaged propery. Another option is a combined limit which provides one coverage limit without having the split limit caps.

Liability can pay for things like bail bonds, repair costs for stationary objects, legal defense fees and funeral expenses. How much coverage you buy is a decision to put some thought into, but it’s cheap coverage so purchase as high a limit as you can afford.

Buy online or local, you save

Insureds change insurance companies for a variety of reasons including policy non-renewal, questionable increases in premium, high prices and not issuing a premium refund. No matter why you want to switch, finding a great new company can be pretty painless.

While you’re price shopping online, make sure you don’t skimp on coverage in order to save money. There have been many situations where consumers will sacrifice uninsured motorist or liability limits and discovered at claim time that it was a big mistake. Your aim should be to purchase a proper amount of coverage for the lowest price while still protecting your assets.

Discount Subaru Chaser insurance is possible both online and also from your neighborhood agents, so you should compare both so you have a total pricing picture. Some companies may not provide online price quotes and many times these small, regional companies only sell through independent insurance agents.