Best 10 Ways You Can Buy Car Insurance for a Saturn LW200 Cheaper

Locating cheaper insurance for a Saturn LW200 can normally be a lot of work, but you can use these tips to find lower rates. There is a better way to buy car insurance so you’re going to learn the absolute fastest way to quote coverages for a Saturn and get the best price possible from local insurance agents and online providers.

Comprehensive Car Insurance Comparison

To find the best car insurance prices, there are several ways of comparing rates from different insurance companies. The fastest way to compare insurance prices consists of obtaining rate quotes online. This is very easy and can be done in several different ways.

The most efficient way to get quotes for comparison would be an industry-wide quote request form like this one (opens in new window). This form eliminates the need for separate quote forms for each company. Completing one form gets rate comparisons from several companies. It’s definitely the quickest method.

A more time consuming way to find lower rates requires a visit to each company website and fill out their own quote form. For instance, let’s say you want to compare rates from GEICO, Liberty Mutual and State Farm. To get rate quotes you would need to go to every website and enter your policy data, which is why the first method is more popular.

For a handy list of car insurance company links in your area, click here.

Which method you use is up to you, but double check that you are using exactly the same quote information with each company. If your comparisons have differing limits you can’t possibly decipher which rate is best. Slightly different coverages may result in large price differences. Keep in mind that obtaining a wide range of quotes will increase your chances of finding the best rates.

More discounts equal less premium

Auto insurance companies don’t always publicize every discount in an easy-to-find place, so here is a list both the well known and the harder-to-find savings tricks you should be using.

  • Payment Method – If you pay your entire premium ahead of time instead of paying each month you may reduce your total bill.
  • Seat Belt Usage – Requiring all passengers to wear their seat belts could cut 10% or more off your medical payments premium.
  • Distant Student – Youth drivers who attend school more than 100 miles from home and don’t have a car may be able to be covered for less.
  • Employee of Federal Government – Simply working for the federal government may qualify you for a discount on LW200 insurance depending on your company.
  • Discount for Swiching Early – Some companies give discounts for signing up prior to your current policy expiration. The savings is around 10%.
  • Safety Course Discount – Completing a course teaching defensive driving skills could cut 5% off your bill if your company offers it.
  • Military Rewards – Being deployed with a military unit can result in better rates.
  • Multiple Cars – Buying insurance for all your vehicles with the same company may reduce the rate for each vehicle.
  • Student Driver Training – Cut your cost by having your teen driver take driver’s ed class in high school.
  • No Accidents – Drivers with accident-free driving histories pay much less as compared to frequent claim filers.

A little note about advertised discounts, most of the big mark downs will not be given to the entire policy premium. Most only reduce the cost of specific coverages such as collision or personal injury protection. So despite the fact that it appears you can get free auto insurance, it doesn’t quite work that way.

To choose insurers who offer car insurance discounts, click here to view.

Car insurance ads bend the truth

Car insurance providers like Allstate and Progressive continually stream ads in print and on television. They all have a common claim of big savings after switching your coverage to them. But how can every company claim to save you money? This is how they do it.

Insurance companies are able to cherry pick for the right customer that makes them money. A good example of a driver they prefer might be between 25 and 40, has no prior claims, and chooses high deductibles. A customer who meets those qualifications is entitled to the best price and is almost guaranteed to pay quite a bit less when switching  insurance quote

Potential insureds who are not a match for this ideal profile must pay a higher premium and ends up with the driver buying from a lower-cost company. The ads say “customers that switch” not “everyone that quotes” save money. That’s why insurance companies can claim big savings. This illustrates why you absolutely need to get a wide range of price quotes. It is impossible to predict which company will give you the biggest savings.

The coverage is in the details

Knowing the specifics of your car insurance policy can help you determine which coverages you need and proper limits and deductibles. The coverage terms in a policy can be ambiguous and coverage can change by endorsement.

Liability insurance – This coverage protects you from damages or injuries you inflict on other people or property. Liability coverage has three limits: bodily injury for each person, bodily injury for the entire accident, and a limit for property damage. You might see values of 25/50/25 that translate to $25,000 bodily injury coverage, $50,000 for the entire accident, and $25,000 of coverage for damaged propery.

Liability coverage pays for things such as bail bonds, repair costs for stationary objects, repair bills for other people’s vehicles, structural damage and loss of income. How much liability coverage do you need? That is your choice, but buy as much as you can afford.

Collision coverages – This covers damage to your LW200 resulting from a collision with an object or car. A deductible applies then the remaining damage will be paid by your insurance company.

Collision coverage protects against things like driving through your garage door, backing into a parked car, colliding with another moving vehicle and colliding with a tree. Collision is rather expensive coverage, so you might think about dropping it from vehicles that are older. Drivers also have the option to increase the deductible to get cheaper collision coverage.

Medical expense coverage – Med pay and PIP coverage provide coverage for expenses like ambulance fees, rehabilitation expenses and EMT expenses. They are often used in conjunction with a health insurance program or if you lack health insurance entirely. They cover both the driver and occupants and also covers if you are hit as a while walking down the street. PIP is not an option in every state and gives slightly broader coverage than med pay

Uninsured or underinsured coverage – Your UM/UIM coverage protects you and your vehicle from other motorists when they do not carry enough liability coverage. This coverage pays for injuries sustained by your vehicle’s occupants as well as damage to your Saturn LW200.

Because many people have only the minimum liability required by law, their limits can quickly be used up. For this reason, having high UM/UIM coverages is important protection for you and your family.

best LW200 insurance

Comprehensive protection – Comprehensive insurance pays to fix your vehicle from damage that is not covered by collision coverage. A deductible will apply then your comprehensive coverage will pay.

Comprehensive coverage pays for claims like vandalism, damage from getting keyed, a broken windshield and hitting a bird. The most you can receive from a comprehensive claim is the ACV or actual cash value, so if the vehicle’s value is low consider removing comprehensive coverage.

Quote more, save more

As you restructure your insurance plan, make sure you don’t reduce coverage to reduce premium. There have been many situations where an accident victim reduced liability limits or collision coverage only to regret they didn’t have enough coverage. The ultimate goal is to purchase plenty of coverage at a price you can afford, not the least amount of coverage.

Budget-conscious Saturn LW200 insurance is possible on the web as well as from independent agents, so you should be comparing quotes from both in order to have the best chance of saving money. A few companies don’t offer online quoting and usually these small, regional companies provide coverage only through local independent agents.

We’ve covered some good ideas how you can reduce Saturn LW200 insurance prices online. The key concept to understand is the more you quote, the better likelihood of reducing your rate. You may be surprised to find that the best price on car insurance is with a company that doesn’t do a lot of advertising.