Better Strategies to Lowering Your Mazda Miata Insurance Rates

I can’t think of a single person who cherishes buying auto insurance, in particular when the cost is too high.

With so many options, it can be diffult for consumers to find the most affordable insurer.

Compare the Market for Auto Insurance

There are several ways to compare quotes from different insurance companies. The quickest method to compare insurance prices consists of shopping online. This can be accomplished in just a few minutes using one of these methods.

The recommended way to get quotes is a comparison rater form click here to open form in new window. This easy form keeps you from doing boring form submissions to each individual auto insurance company. One form gets you coverage quotes from many national carriers.

A more difficult way to compare rate quotes is spending the time to visit the website for each individual company and request a quote. For examples sake, we’ll pretend you want to compare rates from Progressive, Farmers and State Farm. To find out each rate you need to go to every website to enter your coverage information, which is why most consumers use the first method. For a handy list of car insurance company links in your area, click here.

Whichever method you choose, make sure you use exactly the same quote information for each price quote. If you are comparing different limits and deductibles on each one it’s impossible to determine which rate is truly the best. Having just a slight variation in coverages may cause a big price difference. And when price shopping your coverage, comparing more company’s prices will enable you to find a better price. insurance cheap

Verify you’re getting all your discounts

The price of auto insurance can be rather high, but there are discounts available that you may not even be aware of. A few discounts will automatically apply at the time of quoting, but a few must be asked about prior to getting the savings.

  • Anti-lock Brakes – Vehicles equipped with ABS or steering control can reduce accidents and therefore earn up to a 10% discount.
  • Drivers Ed for Students – Have your child enroll in driver’s education in school.
  • Accident Forgiveness – Some insurance companies permit an accident before hitting you with a surcharge as long as you don’t have any claims for a certain period of time.
  • Memberships – Belonging to certain professional organizations could trigger savings on auto insurance on Miata insurance.
  • Discount for Swiching Early – Some companies give discounts for buying a policy prior to your current policy expiring. The savings is around 10%.
  • Homeowners Savings – Being a homeowner can help you save on auto insurance because owning a home demonstrates responsibility.
  • Service Members Pay Less – Being deployed with a military unit could be rewarded with lower premiums.
  • Employee of Federal Government – Employees or retirees of the government can save as much as 8% on Miata insurance with select insurance companies.
  • Multiple Cars – Buying coverage for all your vehicles on the same auto insurance policy may reduce the rate for each vehicle.
  • Good Students Pay Less – This discount can be rewarded with saving of up to 25%. This discount can apply up to age 25.

Consumers should know that most credits do not apply to the overall cost of the policy. Some only reduce the price of certain insurance coverages like comprehensive or collision. Just because you may think you can get free auto insurance, companies don’t profit that way. Any amount of discount will reduce the cost of coverage.

Factors that might impact rates for a Mazda Miata

It’s important that you understand the rating factors that come into play when calculating the rates you pay for auto insurance. Having a good understanding of what impacts premium levels allows you to make educated decisions that may reward you with lower auto insurance prices.

The list below includes a few of the “ingredients” companies use to determine rates.

  • Rates may be lower depending on your job – Occupations like judges, business owners and dentists tend to have the highest average rates in part from job stress and lots of time spent at work. Other occupations such as actors, historians and retirees receive lower rates on Miata insurance.
  • Higher safety ratings means cheaper insurance – Safer cars can get you lower premiums. These vehicles result in less severe injuries and lower injury rates translates into savings for insurance companies and lower rates for you. If the Mazda Miata has ratings of a minimum four stars on it may be receiving lower rates.
  • Men pay higher rates – Statistics demonstrate that men are more aggressive behind the wheel. That doesn’t necessarily mean that men are WORSE drivers than women. They both cause accidents in similar numbers, but the male of the species cause more damage. Men also tend to get cited for more serious violations like reckless driving and DUI. Male drivers age 16 to 19 tend to get in the most accidents and therefore have the most expensive auto insurance rates.
  • What are your deductibles? – Physical damage insurance, commonly called comprehensive (or other-than-collision) and collision coverage, is used to repair damage to your Mazda. Examples of covered claims are running into the backend of another car, collision with an animal, and windstorm damage. Deductibles for physical damage are how much you are required to spend out-of-pocket before a claim is paid by your company. The more money you’re willing to pay, the bigger discount you will receive on Miata insurance.
  • Don’t let your coverage lapse – Letting your insurance expire will be a guaranteed way to pay more for auto insurance. Not only will you pay more, but not being able to provide proof of insurance might get you a license revocation or jail time.You may have to submit proof of financial responsibility or a SR-22 with your state motor vehicle department.
  • Your age impacts your rates – Mature drivers tend to be more responsible, file fewer claims and get fewer tickets. Youthful drivers tend to be more careless in a vehicle therefore auto insurance rates are much higher.

When should I talk to an agent?

When it comes to choosing adequate coverage, there really is not a cookie cutter policy. Everyone’s situation is unique so your insurance should reflect that Here are some questions about coverages that can aid in determining whether your personal situation might need professional guidance.

compare Mazda Miata insurance prices

  • Can I afford to buy a different vehicle if my Mazda Miata is totaled?
  • Is my custom paint covered by insurance?
  • When would I need rental car insurance?
  • Does my insurance cover damage caused when ticketed for reckless driving?
  • When does my teenage driver need to be added to my policy?
  • Is my nanny covered when driving my vehicle?
  • I don’t drive much so do I pay less?
  • Is borrowed equipment or tools covered if stolen or damaged?
  • What is covered by UM/UIM coverage?
  • When should I remove comp and collision on my Mazda Miata?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions but one or more may apply to you, you might consider talking to an agent. If you want to speak to an agent in your area, take a second and complete this form or click here for a list of auto insurance companies in your area.

More quotes mean more savings

Cheaper Mazda Miata insurance can be sourced both online in addition to many insurance agents, and you need to comparison shop both to have the best selection. Some auto insurance companies do not provide online quoting and most of the time these regional insurance providers sell through independent agents.

As you restructure your insurance plan, do not buy poor coverage just to save money. In many cases, an accident victim reduced full coverage and discovered at claim time that the savings was not a smart move. Your goal should be to get the best coverage possible at the best price.