Buying Affordable Auto Insurance for a Mercedes-Benz R63 AMG Made Easy

Trying to find the cheapest insurance for your Mercedes-Benz R63 AMG can turn out to be a painful process, but you can learn a few tricks to make it easier. There are both good and bad ways to find auto insurance online and you need to know the best way to price shop coverage for a new or used Mercedes-Benz and find the cheapest rates either online or from local insurance agents.

It’s smart to shop coverage around before your policy renews since rates go up and down regularly. Despite the fact that you may have had the lowest rates for R63 AMG insurance two years ago the chances are good that you can find a lower rate today. There is too much inaccurate information about auto insurance online but we’re going to give you some great ways to reduce your auto insurance bill.

Are you getting all your discounts?

Companies that sell car insurance don’t list every discount very well, so here is a list both well-publicized and also the lesser-known discounts you could be receiving. If you don’t get every credit you deserve, you’re just leaving money on the table.

  • Seat Belts Save – Using a seat belt and requiring all passengers to wear their seat belts can save 10% or more off your medical payments premium.
  • Air Bag Discount – Vehicles equipped with air bags and/or automatic seat belt systems can receive discounts up to 30%.
  • Memberships – Participating in a qualifying organization could qualify you for a break when buying auto insurance for R63 AMG insurance.
  • Discount for Life Insurance – Some companies give a break if you buy auto and life insurance together.
  • Anti-lock Brake Discount – Anti-lock brake equipped vehicles can avoid accidents and will save you 10% or more.
  • Student Driver Training – Require your teen driver to take driver’s ed class if it’s offered in school.
  • Discount for Good Grades – A discount for being a good student can save 20 to 25%. The good student discount can last until age 25.
  • Paperwork-free – A few companies give back up to $50 just for signing your application on their website.
  • Bundle and Save – When you combine your home and auto insurance with one company you may earn up to 20% off your total premium.
  • Drive Safe and Save – Drivers who avoid accidents can get discounts for up to 45% lower rates for R63 AMG insurance than their less cautious counterparts.

Consumers should know that most discounts do not apply the the whole policy. Some only apply to individual premiums such as comprehensive or collision. Just because you may think adding up those discounts means a free policy, you won’t be that lucky.

To see a list of companies with the best auto insurance discounts, click here.

Parts of the Mercedes-Benz R63 AMG rate equation

Smart consumers have a good feel for some of the elements that come into play when calculating your auto insurance rates. Having a good understanding of what controls the rates you pay enables informed choices that could result in big savings.

  • Where you live is a factor – Being located in a rural area has it’s advantages when talking about auto insurance. Fewer people means a lower chance of having an accident as well as less vandalism and auto theft. Drivers who live in large cities have congested traffic and a longer drive to work. More time commuting can result in more accidents.
  • Credit scores impact auto insurance rates – A driver’s credit score is a big factor in determining what you pay for auto insurance. Drivers with high credit ratings tend to file fewer claims and have better driving records than drivers who have lower credit scores. So if your credit history is low, you could save money insuring your Mercedes-Benz R63 AMG by improving your credit score.
  • Theft deterrents lower rates – Driving a car that has an advanced theft prevention system can save you a little every year. Anti-theft devices such as tamper alarm systems, vehicle immobilizer technology and General Motors OnStar all hinder your vehicle from being stolen.
  • Never let your coverage lapse – Driving with no insurance is illegal and as a result your rates will increase for letting your insurance lapse. Not only will rates go up, failure to provide proof of insurance will get you a steep fine or even jail time.

When might I need help?

When choosing the right insurance coverage, there isn’t really a “perfect” insurance plan. Every insured’s situation is different.

Here are some questions about coverages that can help discover whether or not you would benefit from professional advice. insurance prices

  • Do I qualify for additional discounts?
  • How much liability do I need to cover my assets?
  • Do I need roadside assistance coverage?
  • Is pleasure use cheaper than using my Mercedes-Benz R63 AMG to commute?
  • Am I covered if I wreck a rental car?
  • Is my Mercedes-Benz R63 AMG covered for flood damage?
  • Do no-fault laws apply in my state?
  • Do I get a pro-rated refund if I cancel my policy early?
  • Can I afford to buy a different vehicle if my Mercedes-Benz R63 AMG is totaled?
  • Is my teen driver covered when they drive my company car?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions but you think they might apply to your situation, you might consider talking to an insurance agent. If you don’t have a local agent, take a second and complete this form. It’s fast, doesn’t cost anything and may give you better protection.

But don’t I need an insurance agent?

Some people would rather buy from a local agent and that is OK! Educated insurance agents can point out coverage gaps and help in the event of a claim. The best thing about comparing insurance prices online is you can get the lowest rates and still choose a local agent.

To find an agent, once you fill out this simple form, your information is emailed to local insurance agents who will compete for your coverage. You don’t have to leave your house due to the fact that quote results will go to your email. Now that’s easy!

Deciding on an provider needs to be determined by more than just the price. Any agent should be forthright in answering these questions:

  • Do they have advanced training designations such as CPCU, AAI, AIC, or CIC?
  • Do the coverages you’re quoting properly cover your vehicle?
  • How are claims handled?
  • Do they have any clout with companies to ensure a fair claim settlement?
  • If you are a high risk driver, do they have special markets for your coverage?
  • Which members of your family are coverage by the policy?
  • Are there any hidden costs in their price quote and does it include driving and credit history?

Choose the right insurance agency

When looking for an insurance agent, there are two different types of agents from which to choose. Insurance agencies are classified as either captive or independent (non-captive). Both insure your vehicles, but it’s good to learn how they are different because it can impact the type of agent you choose

Captive Insurance Agents

Captive insurance agents can only write with one company and examples are AAA, Allstate, State Farm, Farmers Insurance or Liberty Mutual. These agents are not able to provide prices from multiple companies so they have no alternatives for high prices. Captive agents are usually quite knowledgeable on their products and sales techniques and that can be a competitive advantage. Some people will only choose to use a captive agent partially due to the brand legacy and the convenience of having all coverages with one company.

Independent Agents

Independent agents are not required to write business for one company but rather can write business with many different companies enabling the ability to shop coverage around. If your agent finds better pricing, the business is moved internally without you having to go to a different agency.

When comparing rates, it’s recommended you get quotes from several independent insurance agents to have the most options to choose from. They also have the ability to place coverage with smaller regional carriers who may have lower rates.

To view a complete directory of auto insurance agents, visit this site.

quote R63 AMG insurance

After getting answers to your satisfaction to any questions you have and an affordable coverage quote, it’s possible that you found a car insurance agent that is a good match to properly service your auto insurance policy.

In Summary

When you buy insurance online, never skimp on critical coverages to save a buck or two. In many cases, drivers have reduced uninsured motorist or liability limits only to regret that their decision to reduce coverage ended up costing them more. Your aim should be to purchase a proper amount of coverage for the lowest price while not skimping on critical coverages.

Cheaper Mercedes-Benz R63 AMG insurance can be found online in addition to many insurance agents, so you should compare both in order to have the best chance of saving money. A few companies do not provide you the ability to get quotes online and many times these regional insurance providers only sell through independent insurance agents.

Consumers leave their current company for many reasons like policy non-renewal, high prices, denial of a claim and even delays in responding to claim requests. No matter why you want to switch, switching auto insurance companies can be easier than you think.