Consumers Learn How to Pay Less for Pontiac Aztek Insurance

Finding cheaper insurance for a Pontiac Aztek can normally be a lot of work, but you can follow these tips to save time. There is a right way and a wrong way to find auto insurance online and we’ll show you the proper way to quote coverages for a Pontiac and get the lowest possible price.

If you are paying for car insurance now, you will be able to cut costs considerably using these techniques. Shopping for the best coverage is simple if you know the tricks. But vehicle owners do need to know the way companies price online insurance and use this information to your advantage.

How to Compare Auto Insurance Quotes

To find the best auto insurance prices, there are several ways to get quotes from different insurance companies. The best way to find competitive Pontiac Aztek insurance rates is simply to get online rate quotes. This is very easy and can be done in just a few minutes using one of these methods.

  • The first (and easiest) way to find the lowest comparison rates is an all-inclusive rate comparison click here to open form in new window. This type of form keeps you from doing boring form submissions to each individual auto insurance company. Just one form gets rate comparisons direct from many companies. This is by far the quickest method.
  • A slightly less efficient method to compare rate quotes consists of visiting the website for each individual company and complete a new quote form. For sake of this example, let’s assume you want rates from State Farm, Esurance and Progressive. To get each rate you have to take the time to go to each site and enter your information, and that’s why the first method is more popular.

    For a list of links to insurance companies in your area, click here.

Which method you use is up to you, but ensure you’re using identical coverage information for every company. If you are comparing different liability limits then you won’t be able to make a fair comparison for your Pontiac Aztek. Having just a slight variation in insurance coverages could mean much higher rates. Just keep in mind that comparing more company’s prices helps you find the best rates.

Don’t overlook these discounts

Auto insurance companies don’t necessarily list every discount in a way that’s easy to find, so we break down both the well known and the harder-to-find ways to save on auto insurance.

  • Auto/Home Discount – When you have multiple policies with one insurance company you may save 10% to 20% off each policy.
  • E-sign – A few companies will discount your bill up to fifty bucks for buying your policy over the internet.
  • Save with a New Car – Adding a new car to your policy can save up to 30% due to better safety requirements for new cars.
  • Good Student – A discount for being a good student can save 20 to 25%. This discount can apply up until you turn 25.
  • Sign Early and Save – A few companies offer discounts for switching policies before your current policy expires. It can save you around 10%.
  • Driver’s Ed – Require your teen driver to take driver’s ed class if it’s offered in school.
  • More Vehicles More Savings – Buying insurance for multiple cars or trucks on one policy could earn a price break for each car.
  • Senior Citizens – Older drivers may be able to get better auto insurance rates on Aztek coverage.
  • Government Employees – Simply working for the federal government can earn a discount up to 10% on Aztek coverage with select insurance companies.

As a disclaimer on discounts, many deductions do not apply the the whole policy. Most cut specific coverage prices like physical damage coverage or medical payments. So even though it sounds like you would end up receiving a 100% discount, you won’t be that lucky.

These factors can influence what you pay for Pontiac Aztek insurance

Smart consumers have a good feel for the rating factors that play a part in calculating the price you pay for auto insurance. Knowing what controls the rates you pay allows you to make educated decisions that may reward you with much lower annual insurance costs.

  • Drive a safer car and pay less – Vehicles with good safety scores tend to have better insurance rates. These vehicles result in less severe injuries and lower injury rates translates into savings for insurance companies passed on to you as lower rates. If your Pontiac Aztek has ratings of a minimum four stars on or an “acceptable” rating on it is probably cheaper to insure.
  • Mature drivers pay less – Teenage drivers are statistically proven to get distracted easily when driving so auto insurance rates are higher. Having to add a youthful driver onto a policy can be quite pricey. More mature drivers are more responsible, file fewer claims and are safer drivers.
  • Never go without insurance – Allowing your auto insurance policy to lapse will be a quick way to bump up your auto insurance costs. Not only will rates go up, but being ticketed for driving with no insurance may earn you a revoked license or a big fine.
  • Rate your vehicle for proper use – The higher the mileage driven every year the higher your rates will be. Most insurance companies apply a rate based upon how you use the vehicle. Autos used primarily for pleasure use get more affordable rates than vehicles that are driven to work every day. If your policy improperly rates your Aztek can result in significantly higher rates. Double check that your auto insurance declarations sheet is showing the correct usage for each vehicle.
  • Multi-policy discounts can save money – Some auto insurance companies will give a discount to policyholders who buy several policies from them such as combining an auto and homeowners policy. Discounts can add up to ten or even up to twenty percent in some cases. Even with this discount, you may still want to compare other company rates to verify if the discount is saving money.
  • Increase deductibles and save – The deductibles represent how much money you are willing to pay out-of-pocket before your auto insurance pays a claim. Physical damage insurance, also known as collision and other-than-collision, covers damage that occurs to your car. Some instances where coverage would apply could be colliding with a building, damage from fire, and burglary. The more you are required to pay out-of-pocket, the lower your rates will be on Aztek coverage.
  • Performance influences rates – The make and model of the car you are insuring makes a significant difference in how high your rates are. Since the Pontiac Aztek is classified as a crossover, insuring your vehicle will cost slightly more than the average rate where you live. Economy passenger cars generally receive the lowest base rates, but the final cost of insurance is determined by many other factors.
  • Your car’s features help determine rates – Driving a car with anti-theft technology or alarm system can help bring down rates. Anti-theft devices such as LoJack tracking devices, vehicle tamper alarm systems or GM’s OnStar system all hinder auto theft.

One last thing about your coverage

We just covered a lot of techniques to shop for Pontiac Aztek insurance online. It’s most important to understand that the more companies you get rates for, the better chance you’ll have of finding lower rates. Consumers could even find that the lowest priced auto insurance comes from a company that doesn’t do a lot of advertising.

best Aztek insurance

Insureds leave their current company for any number of reasons including being labeled a high risk driver, policy non-renewal, denial of a claim and extreme rates for teen drivers. No matter why you want to switch, choosing a new insurance company is less work than it seems.

Lower-priced Pontiac Aztek insurance is definitely available both online in addition to many insurance agents, and you should compare price quotes from both in order to have the best price selection to choose from. Some auto insurance companies do not provide you the ability to get quotes online and most of the time these regional insurance providers sell through independent agents.