Mercedes-Benz 300SL Insurance – 9 Discounts Consumers are Unaware of

Consumers have options when looking for affordable Mercedes-Benz 300SL insurance. They can either spend hours contacting agents to compare prices or leverage the internet to compare rates.

There is a better way to find auto insurance online so you’re going to learn the quickest way to compare rates on a Mercedes-Benz and get the lowest price from local insurance agents and online providers.

Take advantage of every auto insurance discount

Some providers do not list every available discount in an easy-to-find place, so the following list contains some of the best known as well as the least known credits available to you. If they aren’t giving you every credit possible, it’s possible you qualify for a lower rate.

  • Passive Restraints – Vehicles equipped with air bags or automatic seat belts can qualify for discounts as much as 30%.
  • Smart Student Discounts – Being a good student can be rewarded with saving of up to 25%. Most companies allow this discount well after school through age 25.
  • Own a Home – Just being a homeowner can help you save on auto insurance since owning and maintaining a home means you have a higher level of financial diligence.
  • Federal Employees – Employees or retirees of the government could qualify for a slight premium decrease on 300SL coverage depending on your auto insurance provider.
  • Use Seat Belts – Drivers who require all occupants to buckle up can save up to 10 percent (depending on the company) off the personal injury premium cost.
  • Defensive Driving Course – Taking part in a course that instructs on driving safety could earn you a small percentage discount if your company offers it.
  • Save with a New Car – Putting coverage on a new car can be considerably cheaper since newer models have better safety ratings.
  • Low Mileage – Fewer annual miles on your Mercedes-Benz can qualify you for slightly better rates than normal.
  • Resident Student – Kids who are enrolled in higher education away from home without a vehicle on campus can receive lower rates.

Don’t be surprised that most credits do not apply to the entire cost. Some only apply to individual premiums such as collision or personal injury protection. Even though the math looks like all the discounts add up to a free policy, it doesn’t quite work that way. But any discount will bring down your policy cost.

Auto insurance companies that may include many of the previously listed discounts are:

When comparing rates, check with every insurance company which credits you are entitled to. Some of the discounts discussed earlier might not be offered in every state. To locate companies who offer auto insurance discounts, click here to view.

Insurance agencies can help

Many people would prefer to visit with an insurance agent and that is a smart decision Most agents are highly skilled in risk management and help in the event of a claim. The biggest benefit of comparing auto insurance online is you can get lower rates but still work with a licensed agent. And providing support for local insurance agents is definitely important in smaller communities.

Upon completion of this short form, the coverage information is immediately sent to insurance agents that provide for your insurance coverage. It simplifies rate comparisons since you won’t have to drive around due to the fact that quote results will go to you directly. If you want to compare rates from a specific company, you can always visit that company’s website and fill out the quote form the provide.

When looking for a local agent, it helps to know the two different types of agents from which to choose. Insurance agencies can be described as either captive or independent (non-captive). Either one can sell and service auto insurance coverage, but it’s important to know the difference between them since it can affect the kind of agent you use.

Independent Agents

These agents do not have single company limitations and that allows them to write policies with an assortment of companies and find the cheapest auto insurance rates. If your premiums go up, they simply switch companies in-house which makes it simple for you. When shopping rates, we highly recommend that you get quotes from a few independent agents in order to have the best price comparison. Most have the option of insuring with lesser-known insurance companies that can offer cheaper rates than bigger companies.

Captive Insurance Agencies

Agents that elect to be captive can only provide one company’s prices and examples are Farmers Insurance and State Farm. They usually cannot give you multiple price quotes so always compare other rates. They are usually well trained on their company’s products which helps them sell insurance even at higher premiums. Some people will only use the same agent mostly because of loyalty to the company and solid financial strength.

To find agencies near you, you can view this complete selection of insurance agencies in your state.

Finding the right auto insurance agent should depend on more than just a cheap quote. These are some questions you should get answers to. car insurance

  • How is replacement cost determined on your vehicle?
  • Are aftermarket or OEM parts used to repair vehicles?
  • Do they receive special compensation for putting your coverage with one company over another?
  • Are they properly licensed to sell insurance in your state?
  • Are they full-time agents?
  • Does the company allow you to choose your own collision repair facility?

Do you really save 40% when you switch?

Consumers constantly see and hear ads for the lowest price auto insurance by Progressive, Allstate and GEICO. They all have a common claim that drivers can save some big amount if you just switch your auto insurance coverage to their company.

It sounds good, but how can they all have lower policy pricing? This is the trick they use.

Many companies give the best rates for the type of driver that earns them the highest profit. For instance, a profitable insured may need to be over the age of 35, has a clean driving record, and the vehicle is rated for pleasure use. Any driver that hits that “sweet spot” will qualify for the lowest rates and will pay quite a bit less when switching companies.

Potential customers who don’t meet these criteria may receive a higher premium and the prospect going elsewhere. The ads say “customers that switch” not “all people who quote” can get the lowest rates when switching. That is how insurance companies can confidently lure you into getting a quote.

This really emphasizes why it’s extremely important to quotes from several different companies. Because without a comparison, you cannot know which insurance companies will have better prices than you’re paying now.

Auto insurance coverage basics

Understanding the coverages of auto insurance aids in choosing appropriate coverage and the correct deductibles and limits. Auto insurance terms can be impossible to understand and reading a policy is terribly boring.

Comprehensive coverage (or Other than Collision)

Comprehensive insurance coverage pays to fix your vehicle from damage OTHER than collision with another vehicle or object. You first have to pay a deductible and the remainder of the damage will be paid by comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive can pay for things such as damage from flooding, hitting a deer, a broken windshield, damage from getting keyed and hitting a bird. The highest amount a auto insurance company will pay at claim time is the cash value of the vehicle, so if it’s not worth much more than your deductible it’s not worth carrying full coverage.

Coverage for collisions

This coverage will pay to fix damage to your 300SL resulting from colliding with a stationary object or other vehicle. You first must pay a deductible and then insurance will cover the remainder.

Collision can pay for claims like hitting a mailbox, backing into a parked car, scraping a guard rail, colliding with another moving vehicle and sustaining damage from a pot hole. Collision is rather expensive coverage, so consider dropping it from older vehicles. Another option is to bump up the deductible in order to get cheaper collision rates.

Liability coverages

This protects you from injuries or damage you cause to other’s property or people by causing an accident. It protects you from legal claims by others, and does not provide coverage for damage to your own property or vehicle.

Split limit liability has three limits of coverage: per person bodily injury, per accident bodily injury, and a property damage limit. You commonly see limits of 50/100/50 which stand for a limit of $50,000 per injured person, a per accident bodily injury limit of $100,000, and property damage coverage for $50,000. Alternatively, you may have a combined single limit or CSL that pays claims from the same limit rather than limiting it on a per person basis.

Liability insurance covers things like bail bonds, repair bills for other people’s vehicles and attorney fees. How much liability should you purchase? That is a decision to put some thought into, but consider buying higher limits if possible.

insurance for 300SL

Uninsured Motorist or Underinsured Motorist insurance

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist coverage provides protection from other drivers when they either are underinsured or have no liability coverage at all. Covered claims include medical payments for you and your occupants as well as your vehicle’s damage.

Due to the fact that many drivers only purchase the least amount of liability that is required, their limits can quickly be used up. This is the reason having UM/UIM coverage should not be overlooked. Frequently these limits are similar to your liability insurance amounts.

Insurance for medical payments

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and medical payments coverage reimburse you for expenses like hospital visits, prosthetic devices, rehabilitation expenses, nursing services and surgery. They are used to fill the gap from your health insurance policy or if you do not have health coverage. They cover all vehicle occupants in addition to if you are hit as a while walking down the street. PIP coverage is only offered in select states and gives slightly broader coverage than med pay

Best coverage at the best price

When getting , it’s a bad idea to reduce needed coverages to save money. There have been many cases where an insured dropped comprehensive coverage or liability limits and discovered at claim time that saving that couple of dollars actually costed them tens of thousands. Your aim should be to buy a smart amount of coverage at the best cost, but don’t skip important coverages to save money.

Drivers switch companies for a number of reasons such as poor customer service, high rates after DUI convictions, delays in paying claims and even extreme rates for teen drivers. Whatever your reason, finding a great new company is pretty easy and you might even save some money in the process.

We just showed you a lot of information how to get a better price on Mercedes-Benz 300SL insurance. It’s most important to understand that the more providers you compare, the higher your chance of finding . Drivers may discover the lowest premium rates come from some of the lesser-known companies.