Proven Methods to Save When Shopping for Insurance for Your Chevy Express 1500

Trying to find better insurance prices for your Chevy Express 1500 can turn out to be a painful process, but you can learn a few tricks to make it easier. There are both good and bad ways to compare auto insurance rates and you need to know the absolute fastest way to get price quotes for a new or used Chevy and find the best price possible either online or from local insurance agents.

You should take the time to get comparison quotes before your policy renews because prices change frequently. Just because you found the lowest rates on Express insurance six months ago a different company probably has better rates today. Forget anything you know (or think you know) about auto insurance because we’re going to demonstrate the things you must know in order to eliminate unnecessary coverages and save money.

How to Get Cheap Auto Insurance

All major auto insurance companies give prices for coverage on their websites. This process doesn’t take a lot of time as you simply type in the amount of coverage you want into the quote form. After you submit the form the system gets your credit score and driving record and quotes a price based on many factors.

Online quotes makes comparing rates easy, but the process of having to visit several different sites and type in the same information is repetitive and time-consuming. But it’s very important to get many rate quotes in order to get the best price on auto insurance.

Rate comparisons made easy

The quickest way to compare rates uses one simple form to get prices from many companies. It’s a real time-saver, requires much less work on your part, and makes price shopping online much simpler. Once the form is submitted, your coverage is rated and you can select any or none of the quotes that you receive. If one or more price quotes are lower than your current rates, you can click and sign and purchase coverage. The whole process takes 15 minutes at the most and can result in significant savings.

To save time and find out how much you’re overpaying now, click here to open in a new tab and enter your information. If you have your current policy handy, we recommend you replicate the coverages just like they are on your policy. Using the same limits helps guarantee you’re receiving an apples-to-apples comparison based on identical coverages.

Are you getting all your discounts?

Auto insurance companies don’t list every available discount very well, so here is a list both the well known and also the lesser-known auto insurance savings. If you don’t get every credit you deserve, you are paying more than you should be.

  • Senior Discount – Mature drivers may qualify for a discount up to 10% on Express insurance.
  • Good Student – Performing well in school can earn a discount of 20% or more. This discount can apply well after school through age 25.
  • Low Mileage – Low mileage vehicles could be rewarded with a substantially lower rate.
  • Multiple Policy Discount – If you have multiple policies with the same company you may save at least 10% off all policies.
  • Discounts for Safe Drivers – Insureds without accidents may save up to 50% more on Express insurance than less cautious drivers.
  • Federal Government Employee – Being employed by or retired from a federal job could cut as much as 10% off on Express insurance with a few auto insurance companies.
  • Life Insurance – Select insurance companies reward you with lower rates if you buy a life insurance policy as well.

A little note about advertised discounts, some credits don’t apply to the entire cost. Most cut individual premiums such as medical payments or collision. So when it seems like having all the discounts means you get insurance for free, you won’t be that lucky.

To see a list of companies with the best auto insurance discounts, click  insurance quote

What about using a local agent?

Some consumers prefer to sit down with an agent and that is a personal choice. Agents can point out coverage gaps and help submit paperwork. The biggest benefit of price shopping on the web is you can get the lowest rates but still work with a licensed agent.

After completing this quick form, the quote information gets sent to agents in your area who will compete to get your business. You never need to leave your computer because quoted prices will be sent immediately to your email address. It doesn’t get any easier!

Choosing an provider shouldn’t rely on just a cheap price. Ask your prospective agent these questions:

  • Is vehicle damage repaired with OEM or aftermarket parts?
  • How often do they review policy coverages?
  • How long has their agency been in business?
  • If you have an accident, are you able to get your vehicle repaired at the shop of your choice?
  • Will their companies depreciate repairs to your car based on the mileage?
  • If you are a high risk driver, do they have special markets for your coverage?
  • Is the agent and/or agency licensed to do business in your state?

Insurance agent types

When finding local agents, there are two different types of agents that you can select. Agents are categorized either captive or independent (non-captive). Either one can insure your vehicles, but it’s good to learn how they differ because it can influence your agent selection.

Agency Captives

This type of agents have only one company to place business with and examples are Liberty Mutual, Allstate, Farmers Insurance or State Farm. These agents are not able to compare other company’s rates so always compare other rates. Captive agents are well schooled on the products they sell which helps them compete with independent agents. Consumers often purchase coverage from captives primarily because of the prominence of the brand and solid financial strength.

Independent Agents (or Brokers)

These agents are not locked into one company so they have the ability to put coverage with any number of different companies depending on which coverage is best. If you are not satisfied with one company, they simply move the coverage in-house and you won’t have to switch agencies.

When comparison shopping, it’s recommended you contact multiple independent agents for maximum quote selection. Many write coverage with lesser-known insurance companies which may provide better rates.

To view a full list of agents, visit this site.

After receiving good answers for all questions you ask and an affordable coverage quote, you may have just found an auto insurance agent that can service your policy.

What is the best insurance coverage?

When buying the right insurance coverage for your personal vehicles, there really is no one size fits all plan. Coverage needs to be tailored to your specific needs.

For example, these questions can aid in determining if your insurance needs might need an agent’s assistance.

cheap insurance for Express 1500

  • Does my Chevy Express 1500 qualify for pleasure use?
  • Where can I get insurance after a DUI in my state?
  • Does my insurance cover damage caused when ticketed for reckless driving?
  • Do I qualify for additional discounts?
  • What can I do if my company denied a claim?
  • Do I have coverage when pulling a U-Haul trailer?
  • Are split liability limits better than a combined single limit?

If you’re not sure about those questions but a few of them apply, then you may want to think about talking to a licensed agent. If you want to speak to an agent in your area, take a second and complete this form. It’s fast, doesn’t cost anything and can help protect your family.

Chevy Express 1500 insurance rates can be determined by these details

An important part of buying insurance is that you know some of the elements that come into play when calculating auto insurance rates. Having a good understanding of what determines base rates empowers consumers to make smart changes that could result in lower auto insurance prices.

  • Optional equipment can affect rates – Purchasing a vehicle with an alarm system can save you a little every year. Theft prevention features such as tamper alarm systems, vehicle immobilizer technology and General Motors OnStar all aid in stopping your vehicle from being stolen.
  • Don’t sacrifice liability coverage – Liability coverage is the coverage that protects you if a court rules you are at fault for damages caused by your negligence. It will provide legal defense coverage which can be incredibly expensive. Carrying liability coverage is mandatory and cheap when compared with rates for comp and collision, so do not cut corners here.
  • Rates may be lower depending on your job – Did you know your auto insurance rates can be affected by your occupation? Careers like judges, architects and financial analysts tend to have higher average rates in part from high stress and long work hours. Conversely, professions such as farmers, engineers and performers receive lower rates on Express insurance.
  • What are your deductibles? – Physical damage deductibles define the amount you are willing to pay out-of-pocket before a claim is paid by your company. Physical damage coverage, commonly called comprehensive (or other-than-collision) and collision coverage, covers damage that occurs to your car. Examples of covered claims are running into the backend of another car, damage from fire, and rolling your vehicle. The more money you’re willing to pay, the bigger discount you will receive on Express insurance.
  • A clean driving record saves money – Just one speeding ticket can increase rates forty percent or more. Good drivers tend to pay less for car insurance than people who have multiple driving citations. Drivers who have severe citations such as DWI, reckless driving or hit and run convictions may need to file a SR-22 with their state DMV in order to drive a vehicle legally.
  • Are you male or female? – The statistics show women are more cautious behind the wheel. However, this does not mean women are BETTER drivers than men. Men and women tend to get into accidents in similar percentages, but men have costlier accidents. Men also get cited for more serious violations such as DWI and reckless driving. Teenage male drivers are the most expensive to insure and therefore are the most expensive to insure.
  • Having a spouse can save you money – Having a spouse actually saves money on auto insurance. It translates into being more mature and responsible and it’s statistically proven that drivers who are married are more cautious.
  • How your age affects price – Mature drivers are more responsible, tend to cause fewer accidents and are safer drivers. Young drivers are statistically proven to be careless and easily distracted in a vehicle and because of this, their auto insurance rates are much higher.

A little work can save a LOT of money

We’ve covered some good ideas how to compare Chevy Express 1500 insurance prices online. It’s most important to understand that the more you quote, the better your chances of lowering your rates. Drivers may discover the lowest rates come from some of the lesser-known companies.

As you shop your coverage around, don’t be tempted to buy poor coverage just to save money. Too many times, consumers will sacrifice collision coverage and found out when filing a claim that saving that couple of dollars actually costed them tens of thousands. The aim is to buy enough coverage at an affordable rate while not skimping on critical coverages.

People switch companies for many reasons like policy cancellation, delays in responding to claim requests, an unsatisfactory settlement offer or even extreme rates for teen drivers. Regardless of your reason for switching companies, finding a great new company is actually quite simple.