Ultimate Guide for Finding Auto Insurance for a Mercedes-Benz G500

Shoppers have lots of choices when shopping for affordable Mercedes-Benz G500 insurance. They can either spend hours calling around trying to get quotes or save time using the internet to compare rates.

There is a better way to shop for auto insurance and we’ll show you the proper way to get price quotes on a Mercedes-Benz and locate the lowest price from local insurance agents and online providers.

Comprehensive Auto Insurance Comparison

Finding a lower price on insurance is actually quite simple. Consumers just need to invest a little time comparing rates provided by online insurance companies. It is quite easy and can be accomplished in several different ways.

  1. The single most time-saving way to get quotes for comparison is to use a rate comparison form click to view form in new window. This easy form saves time by eliminating separate quotes for each company. Filling out one form gets rate comparisons from many national carriers. It’s definitely the quickest method.
  2. A more time consuming way to analyze rates is going to the website for every company you want to comare and request a quote. For example, we’ll pretend you want to compare Liberty Mutual, State Farm and Travelers. To find out each rate you need to spend time on each company’s site to enter your coverage information, which is why the first method is quicker. To view a list of companies in your area, click here.

It’s your choice how you get your quotes, but make darn sure you compare apples-to-apples information for every company. If you are comparing mixed coverages you can’t possibly decipher which rate is best.

Save money by taking advantage of these discounts

Car insurance can cost a lot, but discounts can save money and there are some available that you may not know about. Some discounts apply automatically at the time of purchase, but a few need to be asked for before you will receive the discount. If you’re not getting every credit possible, you are throwing money away. insurance banner

  • Own a Home – Owning a home can help you save on auto insurance due to the fact that maintaining a home requires personal responsibility.
  • 55 and Retired – If you qualify as a senior citizen, you may qualify for a discount up to 10% for G500 coverage.
  • Fewer Miles Equal More Savings – Low mileage vehicles could qualify for lower rates on the low mileage vehicles.
  • Passive Restraints – Vehicles with factory air bags and/or automatic seat belt systems can get savings of 20% or more.
  • Anti-theft System – Cars that have factory anti-theft systems are stolen less frequently and therefore earn up to a 10% discount.
  • Employee of Federal Government – Employees or retirees of the government can save as much as 8% for G500 coverage with certain companies.
  • Discount for Swiching Early – A few companies offer discounts for buying a policy prior to your current policy expiring. The savings is around 10%.
  • Multi-car Discount – Buying coverage for more than one vehicle on one policy may reduce the rate for each vehicle.
  • Drive Safe and Save – Drivers who avoid accidents can get discounts for up to 45% lower rates for G500 coverage than drivers with accidents.

It’s important to understand that most of the big mark downs will not be given to the entire policy premium. The majority will only reduce specific coverage prices like liability and collision coverage. So when it seems like all those discounts means the company will pay you, companies wouldn’t make money that way. Any amount of discount will cut the cost of coverage.

To choose insurers offering auto insurance discounts, click here.

These factors can influence Mercedes-Benz G500 insurance rates

An important part of buying insurance is that you know some of the elements that help determine your auto insurance rates. When you know what positively or negatively influences your rates allows you to make educated decisions that could result in big savings.

The following are a few of the “ingredients” companies use to determine premiums.

  • Extra add-on coverages are wasting money – There are many extra bells and whistles that you can buy on your G500 policy. Coverages like personal injury protection, towing coverage and additional equipment coverage may be costing you every month. They may seem like a good idea when talking to your agent, but now you might not need them so get rid of them and save.
  • Poor driving leads to higher costs – A bad driving record impacts your car insurance rates tremendously. Drivers with clean records have lower premiums than people who have multiple driving citations. Just one ticket may increase your cost by twenty percent. If you have severe violations such as hit and run, DWI or reckless driving convictions may find they need to submit a SR-22 or proof of financial responsibility to the state department of motor vehicles in order to drive a vehicle legally.
  • Your location is important – Residing in small towns and rural areas can save you money when insuring your vehicles. Fewer people means a lower chance of having an accident. City drivers regularly have traffic congestion and much longer commute distances. Higher commute times translates into higher accident risk.
  • Better credit scores mean better rates – Your credit rating is a huge factor in determining your rates. People with excellent credit tend to be more responsible than drivers who have lower ratings. So if your credit history can use some improvement, you could save money insuring your Mercedes-Benz G500 by improving your credit score.
  • Drive a safer car and pay less – Vehicles with high crash test scores tend to have better insurance rates. The safest vehicles reduce injuries and any reduction in injury severity means less money paid by your insurance company and more competitive rates for policyholders. If your Mercedes-Benz is rated at least an “acceptable” rating on the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety website it may be receiving lower rates.
  • Type of vehicle determines base rates – The performance of the vehicle you are buying insurance for makes a substantial difference in determining your rates. The cheapest insurance rates are usually for lower performance four cylinder passenger cars, but other factors influence the final cost greatly. Since the Mercedes-Benz G500 is considered a luxury SUV, insurance will be substantially more in price when compared to the average rates.

More quotes mean more savings

As you shop your coverage around, it’s very important that you do not skimp on critical coverages to save a buck or two. In too many instances, someone dropped physical damage coverage only to regret that the savings was not a smart move. The proper strategy is to buy a smart amount of coverage at an affordable rate, not the least amount of coverage.

cheap insurance for G500

We just covered some good ideas how to save on Mercedes-Benz G500 insurance. The key concept to understand is the more companies you get rates for, the more likely it is that you will get a better rate. You may even discover the lowest premiums are with a smaller regional carrier.

Insureds who switch companies do it for a variety of reasons including extreme rates for teen drivers, being labeled a high risk driver, high rates after DUI convictions and lack of trust in their agent. Regardless of your reason, switching companies can be easy and end up saving you some money.